Sunday, August 16, 2015

long time no post

Hard to believe I haven't updated this page in over a year. The past year has been...well, it's been something alright. That isn't to say migraines weren't there during any of it--they've been here all along, as always. Here are some things:

My lifestyle, my activity level(s), my diet...everything has changed. I'm still a vegetarian/mostly vegan(lactose intolerance will do that to ya), but now I implement much, much more protein in my diet on a daily basis. I'd say, for the most part, my diet is heavy on the protein and much lighter on the carbs. I eat a lot of seafood(mainly salmon, shrimp, white fish). I snack on a handful of almonds or granola as opposed to chips. So far this is working for me.

Activity level: I developed a love for yoga which quickly transitioned into weightlifting. Now I lift on a very regular basis, 6 days a week. I feel stronger overall, which cuts down on the back/neck pain, which in turn cuts down on head pain. This helped inspire me to change my lifestyle overall--I barely drink alcohol anymore and I don't really like to stay out past/or until midnight. Getting much more sleep helps with my chronic pain tremendously. Also, now that I live in Egypt, there is less for me to do in it's easier to retire early. However, the added heat does aggravate my head pain, so I try to stay out of it when I can. I've also discovered that cigar smoke can trigger a bad headache if I'm around it for too long.

My big triggers nowadays are: menstrual cycle(per usual), and travel. I travel much more than I ever have in the past, and my travel is usually quite extensive. Egypt to the states and back again is about 24 hours of travel, which means uninterrupted sleep and food schedules. I keep snacks with me and try to get sleep when/where I can. Jet lag is a big trigger as well, but that's one of those things you have to go through to get through.

Supplements I currently take: B-complex, calcium, magnesium, biotin.

I'm back on Zoloft which has helped pain, but moreso depression/overactive mind. I also take Aleve on a near daily basis. I'm in a great place mentally, and physically I am stronger than I've ever been. Migraines are definitely something I live with and make do with. I try not to let it run my will still come up and ruin plans now and again but, for the most part, I can identify triggers and avoid them.